How to develop relational intelligence? Here are some thoughts.

Travel – be curious, courageous, and committed to learn how to elevate our personal ways of being in this world. However, travel is not only a way to explore our outer world. It is our opportunity to connect with our inner world.

The art of travel opens our minds and hearts to develop and practice relational intelligence. Deep down, however, there is more to the art of travel. It is about the art of connection, caring, and communication. It is about

The art of living together in harmony and peace.

Dr Birgit Trauer invites you to join her in her forthcoming events of workshops, seminars, and retreats where you are taken on a new adventure to unlock your relational intelligence.

During these events you will be able to slow down, to stop and detach yourself for some time from the hustle and bustle of daily life.

You can immerse yourself in reflection and introspection, looking at your inner and outer worlds from different angles.

You will gain insight, tools, and practical skills to reap the rewards of meaningful connections and healthy relationships

  • with yourself,
  • others, and
  • the world at large.

Within welcoming, fun, and engaging face-to-face group environments, full of positive human energy, you can choose the kind and level of involvement that feels comfortable for you.

Short theoretical presentations, small and large group activities, and individual work serve to stir interest, excitement, and involvement. All events are grounded in mindful experiential learning principles, inviting you to join in and reap the rewards of this new adventure.

At the end of all events, no matter their duration, you will immediately benefit from what you have learned. You will be able to apply the new insights, tools, and skills to experience the joy of love, happiness, and thriving relationships – with yourself, others, and the world at large. You can take on the role of relational champion fostering individual, relational, and collective wellbeing.

Please note that all relational intelligence events are of educational nature, to live more relationally and lovingly in our highly interconnected yet disconnected world of ours. They are not designed to replace any needed or desired psychotherapy.