My Activities

Dr. Birgit Trauer

Do you feel a lack of aliveness and happiness as you travel through life?
Do you miss the rewards of meaningful connections and thriving relationships?
Do you sense some disconnect, isolation, and loneliness in this world of ours?

You are not the only one. Come and step into a new adventure with a purpose.

Join Dr Birgit Trauer in her face-to-face workshops and retreats.

Unlock your Relational Fitness

Travel into your inner and outer world and create your path to meaningful connections and quality relationships, starting with the relationship you have with yourself.

Gain valuable insight, tools, and practical skills in courses specifically designed to re-ignite your sense of wellbeing.

Get to know yourself anew, who you are and who you want to be as an individual and as part of life’s relationships.

Immerse yourself in reflection and introspection. Get in touch with your thoughts, your emotions, and your taken for granted behaviour patterns.

Develop your human skills needed ever more to be a champion and successful leader in all your relational spheres.

Generate a butterfly effect and be part of relational and collective wellbeing and a rewarding and joyful relational life for all.

Foundational Courses

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Relational Mindfulness for Modern Life

Foundational Courses
Greater Clarity and Life Wisdom.
Let's learn how to:
  • Elevate your clarity and mindfulness to navigate the intricacies of relationships with renewed energy.
  • Identify, evaluate, and negotiate the diversity of relationships along your life’s journey, in your private and public spheres.
  • Recognise and identify characteristics of unhealthy and healthy relationships of platonic and romantic nature.
  • Discover and assess your strength and weaknesses, opportunities and threats in your private and public relational life.
  • Determine your role in relational dynamics and draw on recognized strategies and techniques to foster individual, relational, and collective wellbeing.

Emotional Intelligence for Human Connections

Foundational Courses
Feel Alive, Resilient, and Connected
Let's learn how to:
  • Draw on the power of emotions and dare to care and connect authentically with yourself, others, and the world at large.
  • Understand and appreciate the cycle of emotional episodes and your ability to enact positive change in various relational dynamics.
  • Strengthen your emotional intelligence and agility to respond to emotional triggers and glimmers with a wise mind.
  • Unearth and recognise the intimate relationship between needs, values and feelings in your decision making.
  • Finetune your emotion and needs management skills to honour your proclaimed values – those expressed to others and yourself.

Communication for Thriving Relationships

Foundational Courses
Connecting with Empathy
Let's learn how to:
  • Recognise unhealthy communication patterns, in yourself, not only in others, and the benefit of conversing with kindness.
  • Build your new language of human experience and discover the energy of compassionate communication. and joyful connections.
  • Manage the reality of disharmony and conflict inherent in all relationships wisely.
  • Call on winning communication strategies and techniques to connect and reconnect, in platonic and romantic relationships.
  • Activate the mindful story teller in you and take on the role of relational champion.

Special Interest Courses

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Love and Intimacy Intelligence Explored

Special Interest Courses
For Healthy Relationships
Let's learn how to:
  • View love beyond romanticism and appreciate the diversity of love in multiple relationships.
  • Reframe and embrace the idea of intimacy as a means for meaningful connections and rewarding relationships.
  • Consider the concepts of love and intimacy in all spheres of your relational life, honouring loving kindness and mutual care.
  • Implement rewarding strategies to calibrate your needs and desires to experience happiness in your romantic and platonic relationships.

The Relational Dance and Boundaries

Special Interest Courses
Energy Between the Steps
Let's learn how to:
  • View boundaries as a bridge for healthy relational biospheres – at home, at work, in business, and society at large.
  • Engage your wise mind to assess your self-esteem and your role in the dance of relational dynamics.
  • Apply winning strategies to manage disharmony and conflict situations to uphold authentic meaningful connections.
  • Mindfully express yourself honouring your boundaries and those of others and rewrite your life’s narrative.

Benefits of Relational Fitness

Relational Fitness reminds us that relationships consist of three parts: me -you-US – the relational biosphere. This is important to remember more than ever before in a world of growing individualism, disconnect, loneliness, and polarization.

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Explore Relational FitnessThrough insightful articles, she explores the importance of fostering strong, meaningful connections in all types of relationships - whether personal or professional.

Why is Relational Fitness Important?

There is increasing evidence of relational dysfunction in all kinds of relationships with talk about a growing epidemic of disconnect, isolation, unhappiness, and loneliness. This has been confirmed by research to contribute to major mental and physical health problems in...

How to Develop Relational Fitness

How to develop relational intelligence? Here are some thoughts. Travel – be curious, courageous, and committed to learn how to elevate our personal ways of being in this world. However, travel is not only a way to explore our outer...

What is Relational Fitness About

In essence, relational intelligence is the ability to function wisely within the complex web of modern relationships in aspiration for happiness, wellbeing, and inner and outer peace. Dr. Adam Bandelli captures the meaning of relational intelligence as follows: “Relational Intelligence...

Welcome – A.L.O.H.A.

Welcome and ALOHA. Thank you for visiting my new website. I hope you will derive some pleasure and insight from reading my articles and decide to join me in one of my forthcoming presentations, workshops, and retreats to unlock your...

Benefits of Relational Intelligence

Relational intelligence reminds us that relationships consist of three parts: me -you-US – the relational biosphere. This is important to remember more than ever before in a world of growing individualism, disconnect, loneliness, and polarization. Relational intelligence empowers us to...

Dr. Birgit Trauer's MessagesMonthly Newsletter

Receive insightful resources and training to bring energy and vitality back into your relationships.

Personal reflections and insights from Dr. Birgit Trauer on important relationship topics.
Key takeaways to enhance your relational intelligence.
A curated set of resources for deeper exploration.
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